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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tiger Woods

Yesterday Tiger Woods announced his return to golf will be at the Master's Tournament in April. Personally I think this is great news because the game of golf has been lacking without him both physically and financially. No matter what goes on in his personal life you have to admit that more pay watch and pay to go see the golf tournaments because he is participating. My question for you is do you think he will be accepted back so easily and how do you personally feel about his return to golf?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Health Care

First I would like to say welcome back to campus. Now I want to ask everyone if they have watched the health care conference. If not I'm sure you have seen all the debates and discussion about universal health care in our country. The republicans really reject the idea and even though the vote resulted in the democrats received a 55% vote on it they need 60% for it to pass. Although they did not get the 60% they still can request an injunction to pass the bill, which republicans have done many times in the past to pass bills, but the democrats are acting to scared to go for it. i personally think that they should go for it. My question for you is what is your opinion of universal health care in the U.S.?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The NBA is getting closer to the playoffs and top teams are starting to get their places in the playoffs. So far the top teams in the league are the Lakers and the Cavaliers who are headlined by MVP candidates Kobe Bryant and Lebron James. There is a new comer going for the MVP and his name is Kevin Durant. Also up there is Denver Nuggets star Carmello Anthony. All around campus people are arguing about who will be the season MVP out of these for candidates. My favorite player is Dwyane Wade so I really dont care who gets it if he doesn't. What I would like to know from you all is who you think will be the MVP and also who will go to the NBA championship and who will ultimately win it.

Monday, March 1, 2010

World Disasters

A few weeks ago I did a blog about the devastating earthquake in Haiti and asked you all to help the victims by donating whatever you can at various locations around campus.Well, recently there was another earthquake in Chile and although it did not have nearly as many victims as the one in Haiti, people still need your help. Please donate around campus to help the victims of this new earthquake and let me get your thoughts about these recent disasters. The video of the aftermath of the earthquake in Chile is below.

Spring Break

As all you know, spring break is starting at the end of this week.I'm excited and i know we all really need a break from school. I'm planning on going to Atlanta, Georgia for spring break so I can spend time with my brothers. What are you doing for the break?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sea World

I know that many of you saw or heard about the killer whale killing the instructor at Sea World this past week. Reportedly this is not the first time that this particular whale has done this and many believe that it won’t be the last and the whale should be put down. On the other hand I just think the whale should be released back into the ocean. Let me know your thoughts about this subject. The video of this incident is below

Monday, February 1, 2010

Study Group

I noticed that we are all having a difficult time in Prof. Yerion's computer science class. I think we can all get better grades in the class if we establish a study group for this class. Give me some feedback and let me know what u think.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Many students on campus are complaining about the food in the RFOC which is the school's cafeteria. Many complain that they don't like the new way of serving. The last two years students were able to serve themselves, but this year everything has changed and now the workers serve the students. Many of the students who were here when it was ok to serve yourself really don't like this new method of being served. This new method causes many students to not want to eat in the RFOC anymore because it means standing in line for 10-15 minutes just to receive 5-6 chicken nuggets. Also they leave food out under a heating lamp which causes it to become old and dried out and students just are not having it anymore. We pay about 16,000 a year to attend this school and we expect to get food that's better than prison food.  If u are a person who eats at the RFOC let me know your thoughts on this subject.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haiti Relief Fund

I know everyone has heard of and may have seen the devastation caused by the earthquake in Haiti last week. All around campus in dining places you can donate a dollar to the relief fund. If we all donate one dollar we can raise at least 10,000 bucks. If you have any thoughts or special prayers for the people of Hati you can add them to my blog.